A blend of Nature and Art.

by The REJIGIT Blog

Some examples of street art which interact with their natural surroundings.

Nature’s beauty is invigorating and its creatures inspiring. We aspire, mindfully or not, for connections to nature and nature can present metaphors for good health and peace of mind.

Graffiti sometimes occupies a controversial place in the urban landscape. It can reflect creeping decay and lawlessness and can sometimes be seen as a menace to social order. It can also fulfil a number of social functions including making social statements and if created skilfully, add interest and entertainment to public places.

Image Credit: Nuxuovo Xan

Image Credit: Pao Pao

Image Credit: David Zinn

Image Credit: WD street art

Image Credit: Ernest Zacharevic

Image Credit: fauxreel

Image Credit: Ernest Zacharevic

Image Credit: Zoltron