Designed by Amina Muaddi for her Italian Oscar Tiye shoe brand. Each shoe is adorned with its own set of silhouette mouse ears. They come in two styles, sandals and pumps and a range of materials, from leather to satin. They range in price from US$450 to US$700 depending on material.
Amina Muasddi is half Jordanian and half Romanian and has spent most of her life in Italy. She was raised in Jordan until she was seven and then in Romania until she was about sixteen. She then moved to Italy where she studied at high school and University and arranged her first internship at Bridal Vogue. She then moved on to a position at L’Uomo Vogue and after a while decided to relocate to New York. She eventually established her shoe brand “Oscar Tiye” when she was twenty six.
Images by designtaxi