..Discover Fonts: https://www.fontfabric.com
..Become a Google Ads Specialist: Skillshop with google.com, https://skillshop.withgoogle.com/ Google Ads Search Certification (i.e. become Google Certified for free).
..Online Photoshop lookalike app: Photopea. https://www.photopea.com/
..Youtube avoid ads: add a period to the end of a URL.
..Download YouTube videos: add pp to the end of a URL.
..YouTube shortcuts: Pause & Unpause “K”, 10 secs forward “L”, 10 secs back “J”.
..Select a pinned application on task bar: Win Key + the number of an application counting from the left of pinned Applications.
..Repurpose a Video: Find the video (YouTube etc), copy URL, go to Veedio, click “upload a new video" http://www.veedio.it/
..10Minutemail.com: Free fake email address in 10 minutes (for websites which insist on an email address in order to sign up) https://10minutemail.com/
..Discounted Text Books: TextbookNova.com https://textbooknova.com/
..Google Drive websites for free: In Google Drive go to +New - More - Google Sites.
..Fonts for Videographers: Aileron, Gotham Bold, Gloss & Bloom.
..Track courier packages: BoxOh.com (uses google maps to track where a package is) http://www.boxoh.com/
..Online colour palette & images: kaboompics.com https://kaboompics.com/
..Apply discount codes & find cheaper prices: Joinhoney.com https://www.joinhoney.com/
..Scan files prior to downloading: virustotal.com https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload
..New Zealand price check websites: https://www.cheapies.nz/https, https://pricespy.co.nz/ https://www.glimp.co.nz/ (Broadband price comparisons).
..Ninite.com: https://ninite.com/ Download & update programs (with unwanted addons removed).
..Free offline World Map: Maps.me https://maps.me/#gsc.tab=0
..Marketing sites: https://www.plai.io/ (data management), https://mention.com/en/ (Site performance), https://buffer.com/
..Microsoft Windows File Recovery Tool app: Microsoft Store ..Browser Shortcuts: History ~ Ctrl + H, Clear History ~ Ctrl + Shift + Del, Cycle Tabs ~ Ctrl + Tab.
..Zoom shortcuts: Zoom In ~ Ctrl +, Out ~ Ctrl -, Normal View ~ Ctrl + 0
..Search for a word or phrase on a website: Ctrl + F.
..Close out of a browser: Alt + F4, Right Click: Shift + F10
..Free Business Resources: https://www.canva.com/ (free design templates),
http://ww25.upsplash.com/subid1=20200717-1316-17bb... (photo images),
https://www.pexels.com/ (free stock images & videos), https://humaaans.com/ (free illustrations),
https://store.usps.com/store/results/free-shipping... (free shipping supplies), https://later.com/ (Visually plan, schedule and analyse posts for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter).
..Create a Presentation: https://infogram.com/
..Animated scrolling text for phones etc (Text LED): https://wigflip.com/signbot/
..Email news letters which stand out: https://reallygoodemails.com/
..Ai photographic Image Enhancer: Luminar 4. https://skylum.com/luminar
..Edit Video: https://www.veed.io/
..Price Checker: Go to Chrome Store & download Alitools & add to Chrome browser.
..Transcribe Video: https://otranscribe.com/
..Where to source product: Fashion wholesaler https://www.fashiongo.net/ , Wholesale Market Place https://helloabound.com/ , Suppliers / Manufacturers Directory https://makersrow.com/ , Drop Shipping Site - Oberlo https://lp.oberlo.com/adw/social-2?gclid=CjwKCAjwm...
..Icons: https://thenounproject.com/
..Access scholarly articles (Sci-hub) https://sci-hub.tw/
..Colour Match: https://coolors.co/
..Remove background noise: Nvidia app https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/guides/nvidia...
..TikTok on Laptop: https://www.bluestacks.com/ Download Bluestacks, Search for TikTok – install.
..Discover similar songs & create Spotify Playlists: https://spotalike.com/
..Sticky Notes (online whiteboard platform): https://miro.com/
..Rename a computer: Right click Start button, Left click System, Rename this PC.
..Symbol generator: https://coolsymbol.com/
..Instagram Line Break Generator: https://linebreaks.igrm.me/
..Create App shortcut: Go to an App, Right Click, Properties, Short Cut Key, Create a Short Cut, OK.
..Web downloads: https://ninite.com/
..Record a screen: Mac ~ Command + Shift + 5, Win 10 ~ Win Key + G
..Ai Build Apps (Open Ai) (GPT-3): https://debuild.co/
..Online Shopping (free shipping world-wide): https://sea-malls.com/
..Transparent textures: https://www.transparenttextures.com/
..Track website changes: https://visualping.io/
..Download email addresses: https://www.wufoo.com/
..Website icons: https://feathericons.com/
..Compress Images: https://compressor.io/ https://tinypng.com/
..Merge two PDF files: https://smallpdf.com/
..Invoice templates: https://slimvoice.co/
..Remove the background from an image: https://www.remove.bg/
..Add sub-titles to a video file: https://www.veed.io/ https://www.headliner.app/ https://www.getsubly.com/
..Listen to international Radio Stations: http://radio.garden/search
..Online transcription: https://otter.ai/login
..Windows Screen Shot: Win + Alt + PrtSc
..Windows Screen Record: Win + Alt + G
..Windows Start / Stop Recording: Win + Alt + R
..Windows Microphone On/Off: Win + Alt + M
..Windows Start / Stop Broadcast: Win + Alt + B
..Delete Web accounts: https://www.accountkiller.com/en/home
..Find free alternatives: https://alternativeto.net
..Access multiple items saved to Clipboard: Windows + V (Clipboard history must be turned on)
..Subdue screen blue-light: https://justgetflux.com/
..Scroll down in browser - one page at a time: Tap Spacebar. Scroll up one page at a time – Left Shift + Spacebar.
..Virtual Clone Drive: https://www.elby.ch/
..Bookmark and open multiple tabs at once: Right click Bookmark bar, add folder, name new folder, highlight URL, click and drag URLs to new folder, open individual bookmarked URLs or right click folder & open all.
..Corrupted Windows Installation: Ctrl + Alt + Del, Automatic Repair, Advanced Options, Troubleshoot, Command Prompt, C:\>bootrec / fixbmbr, C:\>bootrec / fixboot
..Emerging online trends: https://explodingtopics.com/
..Delete one word at a time: Ctrl + Backspace.
..Online electronics shopping: https://ape-electronics.com/
..Quick clear of browser cache: Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
..Reverse image search option: https://yandex.com/images/
..Open source intelligence: https://www.liferaftinc.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw7sz6BRD... - Online searching https://start.me/p/b5Aow7/asint_collection
..Photoshop is Raster based and uses pixels. Adobe Illustrator allows a vector logo etc to scale to any size without loss of image quality https://www.adobe.com/nz/products/illustrator.html
..Cornell Note Taking method: https://medium.goodnotes.com/study-with-ease-the-b...
..Free computer games: https://getgamez.net/
..Lower WIFI latency: Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network and Sharing Centre, Change Adapter Settings, Right click Wi-Fi, Properties, Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), Change DNS to press O’K.
..Online research: https://scholar.google.com
..Optimise a Resume: https://www.jobscan.co/
..Search a YouTube video transcript: Click the "Three Dot Menu" underneath the YouTube video. In the menu that opens up, click "Open Transcript". The transcript will appear to the right of the video. Windows - Press "Ctrl + F" to open up the "Find Bar".
..Discover what a particular Font is: https://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
..Messaging multiple people: https://textexpander.com/
..Generate a free QR Code with Excel: Excel, Insert, Get Add-ins, q4office – search, click QR4Office, Add, copy & paste URL etc.
..JavaScript animations: https://animejs.com/
..Delete temporary files: Win key + R (opens Run window), %temp%, highlight temp files & delete (Action cannot be completed – Skip, Administrator - continue).
..Quick analysis tool in Excel: Highlight all data on a sheet & Quick Analysis (Ctrl + Q) appears bottom right, click and a series of options is available (graphs charts etc).
..Inspirational Websites: All Things Font https://typewolf.com/ , Innovative Websites https://www.awwwards.com/ Packaging + Logos https://theinspirationgrid.com/ Brand Experience https://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/
..Get info about fonts & colours etc used on any website: Chrome extension CSS Peeper
..Check background apps running: Right click Windows icon, Task Manager, sort by Network Usage
..Scan a file with multiple online virus scanners: Download a file – go to https://www.virustotal.com/gui/ - upload file to be scanned.
..Discover what is tracking you: https://themarkup.org/
..Create social media video: https://biteable.com/
..Create an email signature: https://www.hubspot.com/email-signature-generator https://mysignature.io/
..AI compose a poem with your own name in it: https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/poemportrai...
..AI generated original art images refreshed every hour: https://9gans.com/
..Create a Headline for email, website or product etc: https://headlime.io/
..Creative image editing (Snapseed): https://www.appurse.com/snapseed.html?gclid=EAIaIQ...