31 January 2023
It has been a tumultuous recent period with regard to New Zealand politics. As at January 19 this year, Jacinda Ardern announced that she would step down as New Zealand Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party and her resignation would take effect upon the appointment of a new Prime Minister. She also announced there is to be a general election on 14 October 2023 and she will not seek re-election. As at January 25, Christopher Hipkins was sworn in as the fourty first New Zealand Prime Minister.
While continuing to pay close attention to political matters, particularly the indecent haste with which the Labour government is ramming new and controversial legislation through parliament, the people of New Zealand would do well to focus on the prospect of the upcoming general election.
It is a critical issue to many that the National Party opposition in its present form does not resemble a government in waiting. It has failed miserably in holding the Labour government to account and it appears to be incapable of articulating how it might undo the numerous unpalatable pieces of legislation enacted by the Labour government.
The New Zealand National Party board has complete control over the selection of parliamentary candidates and there needs to be an urgent review of their candidate selection procedure to the extent that potential electoral supporters can have confidence in their line-up at the ballot box.
The following individuals comprise the current National Party board;
Sylvia Wood
President of the New Zealand National Party. Became President in August of 2022 consequent upon Peter Goodfellow standing down from the presidency after a term of thirteen years and was re-elected as a board member. Director, Knowhow Ltd.
Christopher Luxon
Leader of the National Party opposition & National MP for Botany.
Peter Goodfellow
Former New Zealand National Party President (based in the Northern Region).
Christopher Penk
National Party parliamentary caucus representative on the board. National MP for Kaipara ki Mahurangi & senior National Party whip.
Sir Graeme Harrison
Former Managing Director, ANZCO International Ltd (based in the Canterbury Westland region).
Jannita Pilisi
Senior Pacifica Consultant - Manukau Institute of Technology. Director, Pacific Poppies Consulting. (based in the Northern Region).
David Ryan
Has had a varied business career together with a number of governance appointments. (based in the lower North Island).
Stefan Sunde
Senior Manager, International Tax and Transaction Services at Ernst & Young (based in the Northern Region).
Rachel Bird
(based in the Southern Region)